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bangla new full movie (bossgiri) shakib khan

 Bossgiri (English title: Where The Action Ends) is a Bangladeshi romantic action drama film directed by Shamim Ahamed Roni and produced by Topi Khan under the banner of Khan Films. The film stars Shakib Khan and Shabnom Bubly in lead roles.[1][2] The film was an Eid-ul-Adha release on 12 September 2016 and was Shabnam Bubly's debut film.[3][4]

Actor :shakib khan


Shakib Khan as Boss / Aryan Khan Lucky

Shabnom Bubly as Bubly

Rajatava Dutta as Double DK

Amit Hasan as DK the Dangerous Killer

Maznun Mizan as System

Chikon Ali as Pike

Mizu Ahmed

Sadek Bachchu

Ratan Khan

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The film released alongside the holiday of Eid al-Adha in Bangladesh on 12 September 2016.[3][4] In November 2017, it was announced by distributor Jaaz Multimedia that in a film exchange with SVF Entertainment of West Bengal, Bossgiri would be released in India.[6]


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